All good things come in threes: Anna Helene Gresens passed her apprenticeship as a Management Assistant for Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services at a. hartrodt in Hamburg as Germany's best in the final examinations of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in 2021. With this result, the 21-year-old continues the series of successes of her colleagues Lukas Maximilian Sorgenfrei (2020) and Thibaud Herrmann (2019). "Such results are only possible if capable young people are guided and motivated in committed training companies," emphasizes the Chamber of Commerce. At a. hartrodt, the young freight forwarder likes "the great working atmosphere and the spirit of togetherness in our young team".
Stress resistance as an advantage in airfreight export
Born near Copenhagen (Denmark), she was attracted by the freight forwarding hub in Hamburg after graduating from high school: "I like to organize and I enjoy finding solutions when things don't go so smoothly." With her stress resistance, she is currently right in place at a. hartrodt in the Export Operations Airfreight Hamburg team. In addition to her full-time job, she is preparing for her Hamburg Logistics Bachelor's degree. She intends to complete her tri-qualifying education in 2022.
"All-round view" on the freight forwarding business
Anna Helene Gresens chose an apprenticeship at a. hartrodt instead of a carrier because it was important to her to have an "all-round view" of the freight forwarding business: "Despite the pandemic, I was able to go through all the different stations." That ranged from the import and export departments for air and sea freight to sales and finance. During the Covid-related temporary online classes at the vocational school, even she found it "hard to follow" – especially just before the final exam. How did she still manage to get the best score? "I write detailed learning notes and don't rest until I know everything by heart," she says.
Due to Covid, the "National Best in IHK Professions" ceremony in Berlin was cancelled. Gresens also had to forego a six-week internship abroad at a. hartrodt in Brisbane (Australia). She would like to make up for this soon, as well as a tour of the air freight hub in Frankfurt.