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transport logistic 2025 in Munich
a. hartrodt will be well represented at this trade fair, so please come and visit us at our stand!
Hall A1, Stand 201/302

Special control procedure for airfreight
After the German Federal Aviation Authority (LBA) banned the use of the special control procedure in mid-2019 a "control tourism" to the Benelux region and France became established in Europe. Following the tightening of their national guidelines, the security option in the Benelux countries was initially cancelled.
After extensive testing of the special control procedure using explosives detectors or explosives detection dogs (ETD devices / EDD ) on the outer packaging of the consignment, the French authority Direction générale de l'Aviation civile (DGAC) determined that these do not comply with the requirements of the EU regulation. This explicitly affects airtight packaging (drums, IBCs, etc.). Affected goods can be liquids, solids, granulates, powders and pastes; regardless of whether they are dangerous or harmless goods. With the prohibition of the special control procedure, the authority provided a transition plan.
Please find our latest customer information below showing the possibilities that will be available in the future:
Special Control Procedure Airfreight

Current situation Red Sea
Shipping companies like announced now to avoid the Suez Canal Eastbound and Westbound until further notice. They will route the ships around the Cape of Good Hope or have the vessels wait in a safe location. We expect an extension of transit times and an increase in operating costs. We are in close contact with ocean carriers to monitor the situation and will provide further updates. Please find our latest customer information below:

Booking stop to/from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine
Please note that we no longer load direct consignments to/from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
If you have any further questions, please contact your local representative.

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