Page 30 - a.hartrodt Business Report 2020 EN
P. 30

                                   Extract from Annual Report
Consolidated balance sheet
a. hartrodt (GmbH & Co) KG, Hamburg as of December 31, 2020
      AS S E T S
A. Fixed assets
I. Intangible assets
1. Purchased concessions, industrial property and
similar rights and assets, and licenses in such rights and assets
2. Goodwill
3. Advance payments
II. Property, plant and equipment
1. Land, similar rights and buildings including buildings on leasehold land
2. Technical equipment and machinery
3. Other equipment, factory and office equipment
4. Advance payments and construction in progress
III. Financial assets
1. Shares in affiliated companies
2. Shares in associated companies
3. Participating interests
4. Pension reinsurance
5. Other loans
B. Current assets
I. Inventories
Raw materials and supplies
II. Receivables and other assets
1. Trade receivables
2. Receivables from affiliated companies
3. Receivables from associated companies
4. Other assets
III. Cash on hand and bank balances
C. Prepaid expenses and deferred charges
D. Deferred tax assets
31/12/2020 31/12/2019 kEUR kEUR
                 1,085 1,417
       1,504 1,669
       3,231 644
       5,820 3,730
          25,024 23,987
       1,314 1,236
       7,070 5,628
       103 788
       33,511 31,639
          25 1,108
       1,733 2,279
       109 112
       67 66
       51 161
       1,985 3,726
       41,316 39,095
                    262 240
       262 240
          73,064 74,733
       0 573
       60 180
       7,476 7,245
       80,600 82,731
   25,088 16,406
       105,950 99,377
      2,159 1,385
          1,363 1,538
          150,788 141,395

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