Page 32 - a.hartrodt Business Report 2020 EN
P. 32

                                   Extract from Annual Report
Development of consolidated fixed assets a. hartrodt (GmbH & Co) KG, Hamburg
in the financial year 2020
   Development of acquisition and construction costs
                1/1/2020 kEUR
Addi­ tions kEUR
Addition from first­time consolidation kEUR
Changes from first­time consolidation kEUR
Exchange rate differences kEUR
Trans­ fers kEUR
Dispo­ sals kEUR
31/12/20 kEUR
                     I. Intangible assets
1. Purchased concessions, industrial property and similar rights and assets, and licenses in such rights and assets
  5,599 2. Goodwill 6,334 133 0   0 –16   0 8   6,443
                 3. Advance payments
II. Property, plant and equipment
1. Land, similar rights and buildings including buildings on leasehold land
2. Technical equipment and machinery
3. Other equipment, factory
and office equipment
4. Advance payments and construction in progress
III. Financial assets
1. Shares in affiliated companies 2. Shares in associated companies 3. Loans to associated companies 4. Participating interests
5. Pension reinsurance
6. Other loans
644 2,587 0
0 0
0 0
            12,319 3,032 0           0 –66           0 12           15,273
                          29,071 300 1,467 2,295 221 105
17,228 3,827 0
788 127 0
0 –506 0 15
0 –553 0 –7
783 620 0 10
22 1,046
–805 0
30,495 2,626
                                                         49,382 4,475 1,572         0 –1,051         0 1,676         52,702
                          173 2,038 5,650 289 67 51 0       –2,435     –182     0     615     8,268 71,984       8,724     1,572         –2,435         –1,299         0         2,303         76,243
1,258 969 0 2,584 86 0 5,917 150 0
–2,058 0 –377 –159 0 0 0 –8 0 –6 0 –9
4 0 –4 92 0 417 0 0 0 1 0 105
                                             297 0 0 66 8 0 161 4 0
                                   10,283 1,217

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