Page 29 - a.hartrodt Business Report 2020 EN
P. 29

  Consolidated income statement
a. hartrodt (GmbH & Co) KG, Hamburg for the year ended December 31, 2020
Extract from Annual Report
    2020 201 9
  474,460 462,195
  –362,365 –349,061
  112,095 113,134
926 0
  15,346 9,983
  –64,119 –63,931
  –11,036 –11,003
  –75,155 –74,934
–3,683 –3,374
  –39,296 –37,025
  10,233 7,784
108 112
  86 174
  68 122
  –318 0
  –903 –985
  –959 –577
–4,186 –2,904
  5,088     4,303
–273 –276
  4,815 4,027
–337 –391
  29,102 29,382
  800 1,300
  –800 –1,300
  –1,457 –1,175
  –486 0
  –2,916 –2,741
  28,721 29,102
             1. Sales
2. Cost of sales
3. Internally produced and capitalised assets
4. Other operating income
5. Personnel expenses a) Wages and salaries
b) Social security, pensions and other benefit expenses
6. Amortisation, depreciation and write­downs
on intangible assets and property, plant and equipment
7. Other operating expenses
8. Income from investments
9. Income from associated companies
10. Other interest and similar income
11. Write­downs on financial fixed assets
12. Interest and similar expenses
13. Taxes on income
14. Net income before other taxes
15. Other taxes
16. Net income for the year
17. Minority interests
18. Retained earnings carried forward
19. Transfers from reserves
20. Increase in capital
21. Transfers to reserves
22. Transfers to other earned surplus
23. Transfer to shareholders’ account
24. Consolidated retained earnings
                                                                                                                                     The complete consolidated financial statements and the group management report of a. hartrodt (GmbH & Co) KG will be published in the German Federal Gazette.
a. hartrodt (GmbH & Co) KG | BUSINESS REPORT 2020

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