Page 8 - a.hartrodt Business Report 2020 EN
P. 8

Global structures, regional focus
Regional markets develop in their own way. What proves successful in Europe might be completely wrong for Asia. This is because countries and people are as different as the economic sectors that they represent. Achieving targets in logistics therefore first and foremost means reaching people. Speaking their language. Understanding their needs. Taking the specifics of regional markets into account.
That is why we are continually driving the global regionalisation of our Group forward. We are investing in our own locations, expanding local logistics and transport capacities, and re­ cruiting employees and managers local to the regions. We are also concentrating on sectors that play an important economic role in these areas.
For example, we are setting up a network of special offices through our subsidiary in Southeast Asia that can provide ex­ pert support to customers in the oil & gas sector. In other parts of the world we are focusing on developing our national traffic networks. In other areas again, we are establishing modern storage and logistics centres to create shorter paths to our customers’ sales markets.
The result of this strategy is that individual national companies are increasingly contributing more to our total revenue and haulage income. It also means that we are becoming a logistics service provider that keeps continuously developing in the ups and downs of the market.

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