Page 35 - a.hartrodt Business Report 2020 EN
P. 35

  Consolidated statement of cash flows a. hartrodt (GmbH & Co) KG, Hamburg for the financial year 2020
Extract from Annual Report
   202 0 201 9 kEUR kEUR
Result of the year           4,815 4,027
            + Amortisation and depreciation on fixed assets
+ Increase/decrease in provisions
+ Other non­cash income and expenses (net)
–/+ Increase/decrease in inventories, accounts receivables and other assets
which are not referring to investing or financing activities
+/– Increase/decrease of accounts payables (trade) and other liabilities
before distribution of profits which are not referring to investing or financing activities
– Profit on disposals of property, plant and equipment
+ Interest expense
– Other income from investments
+ Expense from taxes on income
– Payment for taxes on income
Cash flow from operating activities           15,080 573
4,001 3,374 1,140 –1,046 1,283 2,729
–991 2,892
                            3,526 –10,983 –138 –523 423 354 –194 –286 4,186 2,904 –2,971 –2,869
                                               + Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets
– Investments in intangible assets
+ Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment – Investments in property, plant and equipment
+ Proceeds from disposals of financial fixed assets
– Investments in financial fixed assets
– Investments for addition to consolidated group
+ Dividends received
Cash flow from investing activities           –7,385 –8,747
1 14 –2,890 –1,289 835 1,451 –4,241 –6,856 0 2 –162 –139 –1,078 –2,171 150 241
                                                                – Repayment of loans
+ Proceeds from borrowing financial credits
+ Proceeds to capital surplus
+ Increase from capital paid by minority shareholders and partners
– Interest paid
– Payments to shareholders (dividends, other profit distribution, capital distribution)
– Dividends paid to minority shareholders and partners
Cash flow from financing activities           12,074 1,640
–513 –4,597
      15,571 9,685 460 0 10 0 –354 –276 –2,766 –2,788 –334 –384
                                               Cash­effective changes in cash funds
+/– Changes in cash funds from cash exchange rate movements
+ Changes in cash funds due to change in the scope of consolidation
+ Cash funds at the beginning of the period
Cash funds at the end of period           19,562         –320
19,769 –6,534 –665 170 778 224 –320 5,820
a. hartrodt (GmbH & Co) KG | BUSINESS REPORT 2020

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